Weather in Taivassalo

suomeksi Provided by Myrsky Team
Weather data is collected in Taivassalo with a Huger WM-918 weather station.
The data is analyzed several times per hour to a local web page. This page is a replicate of the original transferred every now and then.


14/ 4 21:50:24 (GMT+2h)

Temperature:2.1 °C
Rel.Humidity:50 %
Barometer:Steady at 1012 mb

About the station

Newest wx200 raw data
Temperature graph of the day
Other weather graphics
Equipment (in finnish only)
Webcam page
Weather links
Location & forecast

Old Weather history (collected data):


January February March April May June July August September October November December

January February March April May June July August September October November December

January July

Newer data available at history page. Anemometer broken, no data gathered for some time.

Weather sw by wx200d, risto.virtanen@remove14chars_wakkanet_dot_fi v. 2.01
lookups. Last update
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